

“It’s been invaluable.”

“It’s brought a lot of sensory stuff to the forefront. The understanding of his behaviours is really helping. We’re managing more how to regulate him.”

“We went out for tea all four of us yesterday and we managed it! That was good!”

“We can see how he’s triggered now and how his meltdowns are only a stone’s throw away.”

“We understand day to day what levels we need to be at and if we take him out - and that heightens him - we need to calm him after. We’re learning how to do that better. That has helped a lot.”

“we’ve had some really positive moves forward. He hasn’t eaten sand and he can get his hair and face wet now. He enjoys swimming now which is great.”

"Having your support with this makes me feel relief tho know that hopefully the school staff will start to understand this hidden disability more. The teachers / TA's are well aware of my daughters needs - they just need training in what to do/how they can understand and how they can support a child with SPD!" T.C.

"I find your articles really interesting and the sincerity of your prayers heart warming. God bless you for your rare and sincere contribution to humanity. You are truely living out your Christian gifting and calling." L.S.


"No suggestions for improvement but very positive feedback for how it is! I have been keeping up with the course on a weekly basis and find the information I’m expected to digest from the videos, zoom call and any worksheets each week is just the right amount. There is ample opportunity to highlight any struggles during the zoom calls. I am thoroughly enjoying this experience." S.G.

"This therapy is going to so help the whole family." Social Worker

"He's very happy in himself and seems more at peace with himself too." T.M

"Thank you for another fantastic session Anne.  I am absolutely loving the pace and structure of the course so far. I love the content, the downloads and the zoom calls. I could ask you and the other participants questions all day long! I am loving it! " A.H.

"The handwriting course was super helpful and really learn from it." L.P.

"Can I just say how complimentary the Psychiatrist was of all you've supported us with! Keep on doing it! XxX"

“The pre-breakfast snack revolutionised our day, we went from 75% to 90% of the day scream-free.” R.E

“We haven’t had it so much thanks to the amazing CHOTS course.” R.E

“Our son responded really well to the body sock, he found it really fun to be in it, he is very jumpy in the evening so we try him getting involved in quiet time. He now has the body sock on most nights” M.R 

“CHOTS has been a lifesaver.” R.E

“Anne Laure saved our family, she was able to give us some really good pointers on how to feed into her system.” J.B 

“Years later we are still learning about sensory issues, Anne Laure’s expertise and walking with other people on the Wednesday’s calls, knowing there is other families that have struggles, and being able to help one another out is great, tiny little steps regularly, you see progress gradually and get encouraged.” J.D 

“The compression blanket has done wonders, he is sleeping so much better, that was a great tip, thank you.” M.R

“He is doing much better at school now” J.D 

“He is doing better at school now, much happier at school.” J.D 

“He is eating more foods now finally, which is really good, he is now eating a variety, it just disappears, it is just lovely.” R.C 

“He will now go to the toilet and do what he needs to do, he is doing it all the time now, it is just lovely, we have had some really nice little successes.” R.C 

“My boy was given a chew toy and he said “He chews on it three times a day and then I go to sleep.” We have now got a bit of evening back which is nice.”

“He has started to be interested in auditory discrimination instictively, he has suddenly started to pay attention to little bits of his auditory system which suggests his system is calming down a little bit.” J.D 

“We have found something he loves in terms of manual dexterity. He loves pastry. He actually won a cake decorating competition, he made the tarts and pastry bases and chocolate crowns which took patience and persistence to get it right with piping numbers, lot’s of hand control.” F.D

“I have shared the impact of your services, they have been so impactful and transformational.” J.B 

“The scooter boarding is working, he is getting stronger, he has been asking “is this normal” and I say “yes, yes”. It has been well worth doing the scooter boarding.” J.D 

“His hands are more stable.” J.D 

“He has more stamina.” J.D 

“Using the trapeze my daughter says “it's working mummy, it's  working mummy.” She just needs the information.” 

“When you mentioned this in the coaching last year it was real game changer for .” J.D 

“My son said “I feel fitter, I can run for longer, I don’t get tired as quickly which is great. It is the first time he has ever said that.” J.D 

“He has no core strength at all, he couldn’t even balance on a gym ball, he would  just tip off. This is the first time we have found something he can actually do. That is fun and he actually enjoys and it actually works.” J.D 

“Head compressions are really good for settling him down, it’s like an off switch, it is amazing.” J.D

“We did firm compressions all over his body and he just fell asleep.” J.D 

“The haircare video on the website was really helpful.” F.D 

“When I brushed his hair this morning, I rubbed his head and then kept my hand on top of his head for compressions as I brushed.Normally we have screams and wriggling and he would tell me to stop.  He said that's a really nice mum. He didn’t get upset about the knots or anything so that was a definite win” F.D 

“Thank you for working with the school and for your time, I really appreciate it.”


"Meeting you brought us hope, peace and reassurance that we are in the right path. Giving our son space and time for him to grow and develop in a safe and loving environment, at his pace, not just with us parents but also with skilled and loving professionals like yourself. Thank you for for being such a blessing to our family."

"It was wonderful meeting you and we really benefitted from the valuable experience with you, especially where others were unable to be sensitive and helpful. Bless you and your calling." C.B.

" I love everything that you're doing and just want to say, this has been such a blessing to come across it. found it on facebook in the middle of the night and it just felt like an answered prayer - it was and just great timing." A.G.

"Thank you for your help so far, I definitely have a calmer child." G.H.

"Before receiving support from Anne Laure, our two boys could not eat in the same room together without aggressive behaviour such as throwing their knives and forks at each other's faces. Our youngest child was losing weight as he was struggling with neophobia. Now we have largely happy fun and constructive family meals every day and our youngest son eats well, is growing healthily and tries new foods frequently.  We had daily episodes of violent behaviour from both boys and that has now massively decreased.  Before, we were unable to play and relax together as a family, and now we do this every day." J.D.

"We joined CHOTS as our 4 year old son was showing signs of having sensory needs e.g. he always needed things in his mouth, he was chewing everything; he was always touching everything, he was always everywhere, always on the go, and meal times were a nightmare trying to get him to sit and eat. With the support of Anne Laure and the other CHOTS members, I have grown in my understanding of his needs and I feel like I have a toolbox of ideas and strategies I can use in different situations. He still has the same sensory needs but I feel so much stronger as a parent in being able to cope with and deal with his needs. CHOTS has provided invaluable help and support for our whole family to be able to support our son with his sensory needs." R.C.

Many thanks for all your amazing work and heart to help others. L.B.

Since being in touch with Anne Laure we, as parents, have more hope, structure and understanding within our family. Stress levels are reduced. Communication is improved. Quality of family life is increasing and is something we now have appropriate advice to continue to develop. To have this service available and ongoing has been and continues to be, vital to our family life. It has also equipped us to communicate purposefully with school and we are now seeing understanding and support growing in our child's school environment which in turn is beginning to reduce school related anxiety. A.T.
"Having a child with sensory processing disorder can feel very lonely and isolating.  My son had regular meltdowns and would frequently follow me around the home screaming and hitting me.  We also live in a small apartment and it was challenging to think of creative ways to meet his sensory needs. Being part of the CHOTS community has increased my confidence to parent in the way that my son needs.  As a result he is a happier, more settled little boy.  The number of meltdowns has reduced and when he does have a meltdown I have the confidence to guide him through them.  I am grateful for all the support I have received and know that it has impacted my family for the better!" K.M.

As parents of both adoptive and birth children we see daily the effects of trauma and attachment issues in our children’s behaviour. We have had virtually no specialist support to help us parent our adoptive children and it has often felt quite a lonely journey. The model that Anne Laure has developed has felt like a life line at times. I have so appreciated the support, wisdom and shared experiences of the other parents as we try to work through some of our children’s issues. Sometimes there are no easy answers and it’s about acceptance in the journey, and this wonderful group offers a listening ear and (virtual) arms of comfort to enable me to go positively into the next week. Thank you. M.A.


Just collected my sons end of year school report. It says he has recently shown much improvement in handwriting! So pleased, thank you so much Anne Laure!


"He refused to do colouring a few months ago....and the few times he did, he just couldn't colour between the lines or do any meaningful drawings. His pen control has really improved. He can colour in between the lines accurately now!"


"When she used to try and do drawing she would have something in mind or picture she saw that she wanted to try and draw it but boy she would hate it so much and all she'd want to do is rip it up... She's suddenly doing loads more drawing which is really nice" F.C.


"We've had lots of more regulated times and he's been in a good mood a lot more than before, he just seem so much happier for more of the time. That's been a really, really noticeable difference which is great and and my husband's now looking forward to going away on holiday this year!"


"he never used to enjoy colouring - he'd avoid it, and now this morning at breakfast he was just over here with a big sheet of paper and loving it! He's drawing pictures of people kicking footballs and never done that before, so yeah i'm really amazed actually - I really didn't think he'd make this much progress."


Thanks so much for everything to date! We spent yesterday and today at a big  theme park… and being aware of J’s sensory issues helped us so much… we found we could really help him regulate during the days, avoid overload, and he had a brilliant time! 


About a 1:1 assessment - "that’s brilliant, really really helpful to gain direction about where to target things, thank you again". H.S.


"we had T’s parent’s evening, and I was expecting the teacher to say, she’s doing really well, but we were absolutely blown away by how much progress she’s made since we started your course. It was just unbelievable, really. At the beginning of the course, she didn’t really have her own original ideas, and I think she was very stressed, so she couldn’t think creatively...Previously, the teacher will give some examples and T will just use those examples in her writing or whatever it is that they’re doing, but she said, now she’s coming up with totally original ideas… She hasn’t got it from the board or from the examples or from the teacher or from her mates. She says, it’s just absolutely phenomenal compared to how she has been...We were just like, oh my goodness. We thought it was going to be better, but this is so much better because she’s so much less stressed, so she has the capacity now to think creatively. It’s just unbelievable."

"Today R was fizzy wizzy silly and loud at the end of tea time..so we gave him a choice of activities... He is so much more grounded in himself. I just can't get over how doing purely sensory activities can produce such profound effects in his sense of self and his general ability to regulate himself. But they do! Thank you Anne Laure and the CHOTS community."



"this is an extremely helpful course, jam packed with great ideas and top tips for meal times. As a family, we now have many lovely mealtimes altogether. I would highly recommend this course. Thank you so much Anne-Laure."


"At Church, the leader for the children's work commented recently that our son is doing really well with listening and joining in. It is lovely to see him responding well to other adults. His reading is also improving rapidly and he really enjoys reading each day!" I.M.


 "We have definitely seen an improvement in sleep since we started the course and in regulating his behaviour." K.M

1) How do you feel about mealtimes after half way through the stress-free mealtime program?

“Generally, meal times have already become less stressful than before. Definite improvements already.

 All these things are having a positive impact on our meal time. It’s so lovely to see those precious times when we are all relaxed, chatting, laughing and having fun together at the table.

3) What differences have you seen so far?

Everyone seems more relaxed; sometimes we have speedy meals and other times e.g. Sunday Lunch have, we can all be sitting there for 40 mins or so! Amazing! It’s becoming a time that they seem to look forward to... coming to the table, eating together, chatting, playing games and using the lollipop sticks. They see it as fun.”


February. " I just wanted to say how much I value and appreciate the course and the calls over the last month. It feels like someone switched on the light bulb and I understand things much better although I know I have a lot to learn.  Just wanted to send a quick email to say a huge thank you for all you do. God bless. H.J.


Comments for am OT I was mentoring: "I just want to say thank you again for all your support, I honestly don't think I could have progressed with this without your support. Your knowledge base and approach to SI as whole is inspiring, I have really enjoyed our sessions and have learnt so much from you." N.A.


"You bring to OT such an important part that is missed in mainstream OT. Our children need your voice." R.A


"I’m just starting my sensory journey so I’m having a lot of ‘ah ha’ moments. Love it." L.S. 


"I have loved Anne Laure's gentle professional approach as an OT for our children but what I have valued more has been in our conversations discerning heart and body wiring. We have been able to work as a team for the benefit of our children with the framework of faith so have been able to distinguish between physical wiring and heart choices and so gauge what response is needed, be it treatment or training. That is what makes having Anne Laure as part of our village so important."


"Everyone in the group seemed to have so much knowledge and be well underway it was nice to see how well things were working for people and I’m looking forward to getting there as well. Many thanks." A new member's comments after one week in the program. H.J


"We would all like to send a huge thank you for all our new equipment, it is a huge benefit to all our class. It is already making a huge difference to their well-being." From a class teacher. L.L.


“M is really blossoming in so many areas. He is a real joy and I can now even imagine he might sit exams one day:) You have played such a key role in helping us steer that path we needed to so that could happen and give us that confidence.”


Can I just say how thankful and blessed I feel to be part of the programme. We are starting to make real progress and I love seeing my daughter starting to understand it all herself. Meeting you has really marked a major turning point for our family. K. M.



"We have struggled with our daughter's eating since she was born. We have been to dieticians, speech and language therapists, other occupational therapists, the feeding clinic at the hospital, and had assessments by CAHMS. We've also had prayer ministry at church. But this is the first time I feel anyone has fully understood our situation and offered anything specific to my daughter's needs. I feel so positive that for the first time we are helping her in an effective and lasting way. I cannot say how much we have appreciated Stress-Free mealtimes and Anne Laure's expertise, care and support along the way. And the spiritual side is just an added bonus that we never would have even hoped for!"


It has given me a way of looking at my children as a whole. It gives you lots of tools to help identify things that are going on and tiny steps to follow to put them right. I think the course is a great encourager because it is backed up by Christian principles and biblical teaching. It was taught in a very gentle manner so we were able to feel safe to share stories. N.B. 


Thank you so much for all your help, I really feel like I have a much happier, content daughter and I couldn’t be more grateful. K.F.


"Thank you for your wonderful ministry and for being such a blessing to many."


"I thought I knew a lot about sensory issues in Autism, but there is just SO much more that I had no idea about!"


Highly recommend this for anyone working with Autism/and or disability difficulties.


"Trainer has a wonderful speaking voice - very calm, cool,and collected! - Excellent communicator!" 


On the training, I was really fidgety and having trouble concentrating but after demonstrating the lycra bag, I sat down quite still and felt much better!


You've been so helpful! thank you so much! C. K.


Thank you again for all your guidance and support which I've really enjoyed and appreciated.B.V.


Our family has so appreciated your help over the last few months. T.G.


It's not even been two weeks...I can't believe the difference in such a short time! A.G.


Thank you so much..all you have said is a complete relief :)...I feel like I'm not going crazy after all, and your message gives me a lot of hope. B.P.


Anne has been very kind and supportive helping our 6 year boy who has poor co ordination and balance. She has given him exercises to practice daily and we have already seen a big improvement. She is very approachable and we couldn’t be happier with her support. A. M.


Thank you so much for all your support and understanding. It's a great blessing to know you are there. (J.P)


She's improving every week. Thank you :) xx



 Simply, Anne Laure is fantastic :) (R.A.)


Thought I'd share a little, well pretty big actually, bit of progress with you. We went to the woods yesterday and (child's name) stepped in a massive, really deep muddy puddle. It was so deep it went up and over his wellies and he was soaked and covered in mud! I waited for the usual mini melt down and instant strip off and demand to go home - but it didn't come! He tipped out the excess mud/water from his wellies and carried on having fun! Such a turn around! He also waited until we got home to get undressed, as sometimes he would undress in the car if he hadn't undressed sooner. Such a relief to not have to deal with a muddy unhappy child with still a substantial amount of distance to cover before we could be back to the car. So thank you again, for your help! We are getting there x (R.L)


This is a blast from the past! My daughter is now 19 years and never did get any diagnose of what was going on with her, we were watchful waiting for ASD for years & got agreement for Statementing & then they changed their mind. I got fed up at that stage and have really just done it for ourselves. She is now sitting 3 A levels. You were such a help to us and the fact that you believed at that time what I was seeing with her was such a relief. Every family deserves at least that and our system is more interested in putting children into neat boxes with standard treatment and any child that does not fit this just floats around in the system. I will share your details with our brilliant Family Support and they can pass your details onto families that they come across. So many families are sitting on long lists and despairing...(P.M.)


Anne Laure is doing fantastic work with children and adults who have sensory processing difficulties. If your child struggles with over sensitivity to sounds, tastes, physical sensations has fine motor problems etc and if you are at a loss to know what to do then check this out. She is a super qualified O.T, she really knows her stuff, her treatment programs really work and she is a lovely person :) (C.H.)


10 years ago I contacted you at a real low point when my daughter had been refused a mainstream school place after her pre-school assessment concluded that she could not walk well enough. You spent a day with our family and you quite literally brought smiles and laughter back to a house that was forgetting how to find joy in life. I lived by your advice. We bought a camper van and transformed our family into an outdoorsy, active family so that our daughter grew up knowing no different. Anne-Laure I give you credit for changing her life and I could never thank you enough. You are amazing. (L.C.)

Other Feedback from courses and training over the years:

I wish I had known these things years ago. 

“inspiring” , “enjoyable”, “skills I can use at home and work” “thought provoking”, “excellent”

It dealt with issues I’ve had problems with for years!

I found it very interesting, the tutor is excellent.This kind of course is so valuable to parents who are trying to deal with children’s sensory issues when nobody else is identifying them, or dealing with them. Our children mean the world to us, and we as parents are willing to do whatever it takes so that they can go on and lead independent lives and be happy people. They will probably always need some kind of management, but hopefully with the right intervention, we can improve things for the future.. Thanks a lot for your input and help.

Anne-Laure Jackson was fantastic!!!

We enjoy the rough and tumble which we are all taking part in at home.

It helped me understand his fixations, obsessions, various needs and why he does what he does and when. Taught me to be more observant. Picked up more tips of what I can carry out.

Finding out strategies and the fun exercises to do with children – learning the fun exercises and understanding the importance of them.

Gained a greater understanding of the issues the children have to cope with and therefore how to help them cope with their issues better.

Gives me an explanation for some of the behaviours that I’m observing in people I come into contact with.

It has made sensory processing much clearer to me and I can see the value of it.

Provided practical ways of dealing with behaviours.

I now feel much more confident in carrying out my duties as a classroom assistant.

Being able to relate what was being said to different children and being able to understand.

Finding out that what I had been doing over the years was on the right track.

Realising child not being difficult or challenging – there is a reason for it.

A wealth of practical ideas. It was good to hear so many activities that could be included in daily routines.

Gaining insight into why my son does certain things.

Understanding the senses and techniques a lot more. Knowing the equipment a lot more.

More awareness of why my son does the things he does. Knowing that his behaviour has a reason why he’s doing it and it’s a real need.

It explained some of my sons behaviours of why he does particular things.

My son wouldn’t let you touch him before this. One night he was having a meltdown, he lay on the sofa and I leaned my full weight across him and rubbed his head. It seemed to calm him and he relaxed a lot quicker.

His toileting has improved, he can get up / down off the toilet, able to turn the tap on/off, better at removing clothing for toilet and footballing skills / jumping. He has tried skinny chips and salad and is helping round the house more. He is becoming more vocal when he knows tasks are difficult.

We are more aware, more adventurous and more confident.

I’m calmer and feel I’m more understanding and give allowances more e.g. give him more time in the morning to get ready, now knowing that he needs to be slow and careful and that rushing stresses him.

My son seems calmer and at school has asked his keyworker to “push hard” down on his shoulders after an upsetting incident (she also attended the course).

As I’ve been giving him extra strong hugs, he’s been asking for much more strong hugs everyday now – which is lovely .

I have more patience and understanding.

I have more confidence in being able to include sensory time onto the person’s daily routine

I can see ways of replacing less appropriate behaviours with other sensory activities and resources.

Understanding the importance of exercises and how touch can help calm a child when used to the depths required.

In the work place, he does some desk top work and then gets a deep pressure foot massage which really helps him.

Gaining a broader understanding of why senses require fulfillment.

I have more confidence in this area and am already using the knowledge to support staff and pupils

I have confidence in using certain techniques now.

I have gained a greater knowledge and understanding of why certain tactics are employed.

My son’s behaviours have decreased as a result of my learning curve here. I have been able to break down his behaviours and pinpoint the actual cause of the behaviour and in doing this we as a family have been able to work on that problem e.g. chewing his clothes and other non-edible items. I feel a lot more confident in working with my son and because I can now link his behaviours to a certain problem and effectively deal with this, I feel closer to him emotionally and feel he is with me also. His need to touch everything has decreased, his attention and concentration levels have increased, most of all his self-care skills. Oral motor skills have increased.

Improved ability in self care, increased eye contact, decrease chewing  / grinding, decrease challenging behaviour. Wants to connect with me. Happier, more confident, very content, more control.

Empowered to actually practically work with my son on sensory issues.

Excellent professional presentation, backed up by research. We really learnt so much about our child.

Areas covered relating to self care were useful as I had never had any help or advice on these areas before such as toothbrushing, hairwashing, toileting eating, swallow/chew. Everything was broken down into stages.

The younger child is so much calmer after using some of the techniques I have learned. I have learned to manipulate my home environment and to make more of the everyday objects such as cushions, bean bags, mattress, blow up airbed. Both boys use these objects everyday now. I have found there have been benefits for both my children and in their interactions with each other – turn taking – cooperation. They both enjoy the routine of doing this every evening and I find they are calmer afterwards.

I am delighted to have a better understanding of where some behaviours my boys are displaying are coming from.

I will use what I have learned as it has empowered me as a mother to help my children in a very practical and hands on way.

Z avoided a swing in the playground before. Now he seeks it and can swing in it himself.

I’ve learnt a lot of techniques to help him and I’m seeing huge improvements as a result.

The ideas you gave me have really empowered me and I have great confidence now. It’s better to teach the parent, Thank you.

I’m so happy with all the understanding you have given me. I’ll never forget your input. Thank you so much you’re a wonderful person.


Absolutely brilliant!

Has made a huge difference. Anne is absolutely fantastic and a God send. Thank you so much.

It has been brilliant to have this opportunity to share such powerful and beautiful teaching. Well worth every minute.

Anne was a fantastic instructor and helped me with a lot of issues. D McD 2010

Started being able to take of his jumper /top.

He’s more relaxed doing work at his station and mixing with other children.

He loves looking at himself in the mirror.

Concentration levels have increased tenfold at least.

He lets me touch his ears all over now. My attitude is more positive and I feel I can make a difference to his well being. My son F is more content within himself and more motivated and engaged.

He can now spoon feed himself. He’s more calm and less frustrated.

I’m more accepting and more positive.

My attitude has definitely changed – ready to use the intervention.

He allows hair to be brushed, he looks for back massages and being pushed onto the sofa relaxes him. Everyone is a bit calmer.

He allows me to brush his teeth now and lets me work with his hair in the bath.

We don’t have any more tantrums.

He doesn’t demand his 4 kitkats and bunburgers every 20 mins. He eats more.

The oral motor work has made it easier to get pupils to put the toothbrush in their mouth.

More motivated to self care – made a cup of tea and toast with verbal prompting. Drying himself after bath about 50% of body – previously refused.

He’s less hyperactive, he climbs less and less jumping off the furniture.

Hairwashing was previously difficult. Have had better success with hair washing. Even think he enjoyed the hairwashing. Much calmer.

The course was fantastic in that it increased my understanding and insight greatly and realised the impact and importance of sensory experience for him, even more so now.

I have a more relaxed approach.

He loves chicken but he would only eat on a spare plate, but now eats now with his dinner all on one plate.

Toothbrushing has changed significantly – he loves it now

He’s putting his trousers on now!

When my child is anxious I feel we have more control – we use deep pressure. He now asks for me to apply it and for how long.